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Principal Secretary (PS) State Department for Devolution Teresia Mbaika.

State Department strengthens capacity of county bosses for devolution success


The State Department for Devolution is strengthening the capacity of County Executive Committee Members in charge of Devolution to enhance their under standing and implementation of the Second Kenya Devolution Support Pro gram (KDSP II). 

Principal Secretary for Devolution, Teresia Mbaika, praised KDSP II, saying it will ensure that the promise of devolution is felt in every county, community, and home across Kenya. 

Mbaika added that by building on the progress made by KDSP I, county executive leadership is laying a stronger foundation for service delivery, enhancing institutional capacity, and addressing local needs with locally driven solutions. 

“Your willingness to engage, share experiences, and propose innovative solutions reflects the strength and promise of our partnership. 

Your commitment to improving governance and service delivery at the county level is a testament to the potential of devolution and the future we are building together,” Mbaika said. 

The PS urged the CECMs to remain steadfast in collaboration, working together to address the specific challenges unique to each county. 

She reiterated that KDSP II is not just a pro gramme—it is a mission to empower the citizenry, foster sustainable development, and improve the quality of life for every Kenyan to enjoy the fruits of devolution. county planning frame works. 

County Executive Committee Members in charge of Devolution is to trans form these commitments into tangible, impactful action that brings real change to our counties. 

We have the tools, we have the vision, and, most importantly, we have the collective will to make it happen,” PS Mbaika added. 

“We are creating a stronger foundation for service delivery, enhancing institutional capacity, and addressing local needs with locally driven solutions,” PS Mbaika said, as she lauded the dedication of the CECMs and their willingness to engage, share experiences, and propose innovative solutions for the benefit of the counties. 

PS Mbaika reiterated their unique role saying is to transform the commit KDSP II to bring real change to the counties.

Peninah Bartuin, the Chair of the CECMs’ Devolution Caucus and Baringo County’ CECM for Devolution, Public Service and Administration, in her remarks, underscored the significance of KDSP II in transforming county operations. 

She praised the successes of KDSP I which made strides in improving financial management, procurement practices, and public participation at the county level. A major shift in KDSP II is the expanded role of CECMs in charge of Devolution who are now central to program execution. 

They will oversee County Program Steering Committees (CPSC), manage inter-depart mental coordination and ensure alignment with county planning frame works.

KDSP II includes the institutional strengthening grant for capacity building, and service delivery and investment grant for infrastructure development. 

These grants are contingent upon meeting disbursement linked indicators (DLIs), ensuring counties deliver tangible results in key areas. KDSP II focuses on three key results areas of sustainable financing and expenditure management, intergovernmental coordination and human re source management, and enhancing oversight, participation, and accountability.

The program aims to help counties improve re source management, fos ter fiscal responsibility, and promote transpar ency, ultimately strength ening citizen engagement in governance.